Aran Va Bidgol City

in Isfahan province
Aran Va Bidgol has a dry and warm climate. The founder of the former was Aran Ebne Qasan. Whereas, Bibi Gol, daughter of a Mongol commander was responsible for the construction of the latter. This vicinity boasts of many relics related to the Safavid era as well as many ancient mosques.

This county is made of the unification of the two old cities of Aran and Bidgol. The existence of hundreds of old  qanat chains, ancient monuments and castles across Dashte Kavir within the vicinity of this county, and some qanat chains that cross from the lower levels of the structure of the old Kashan city, shows the ancient history of development and prosperity in this region. Aran and Bidgol, with unique historical and natural monuments and its own special traditions and customs is considered of the tourist attractions of Isfahan province.
Aran va Bidgol
Safa Historical Guest House - Aran Va Bidgol
Aran va bidgol desert scenery
Maranjab Desert near Aran Va Bidgol
Maranjab Desert - Aran Va Bidgol
Windcatcher in Aran Va Bidgol - Isfahan Province
Aran Va Bidgol - Isfahan Province
Aran Va Bidgol - Isfahan Province
Maranjab desert near Kashan and Aran va Bidgol is one of the most beautiful parts of the Iranian deserts. High dunes and forests arch are the attractions of this ...
Just north of Kashan near Aran va Bidgol, in the small town of Nushabad (Noosh-Abad), lies a sprawling underground city. Despite its impressive scale, the ancient ...
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