Featured Images of IRAN

Aghda Village

Aghda Historical Village, Aghdaa,عقدا,آقدا,agda,ardakan,yazd,یزد,ازدکان,روستای تاریخی عقدا
Many domestic and foreign tourists that many historical cities on the study of Iran, have heard the name of aghda but their impressions of the city and the cultural heritage authorities informing them not to such an extent that they will be encouraged to visit the city.
Copyright: Mohammad Soltanolkotabi
Tourist Attraction

Aqda Village

Related to Ardakan (in Yazd province)
Located near the Yazd-Isfahan Road and at the distance of 40 km. in the northwest of Ardakan, this beautiful village has the following historical edifices, Haj Abolqasem Rashti caravansary built in 1269 ...


The city of Ardakan is located in the north of YAZD province. That is to the north and west of Esfahan province. To the south is the township of Yazd and to the east is the province of Khorassan. Ardakan ...
Aghda Village - Yazd Province
Aqda Village - Yazd Province
Aghda Village
Khaloo Mirza Hotel - Aqda Village
Aqda Village
Aghda Village - Ardakan
Aghda Village
Aqda Village - Ardakan - Yad Provindce
Aqda Village - Naein
Aqda Village
Haj abolghasem rashti Caravanserai - Aghda Village
Haj abolghasem rashti Caravanserai - Aghda Village
Aghda Village - Naein
Haj abolghasem rashti Caravanserai - Aghda Village
Aghda Village
Aghda Village - Yazd Province
Khaloo Mirza Hotel - Aghda Village
Aghda Village
Iran is the land of four seasons, history and culture, souvenir and authenticity. This is not a tourism slogan, this is the reality inferred from the experience of visitors who have been impressed by Iran’s beauties and amazing attractions.
Antiquity and richness of its culture and civilization, the variety of natural and geographical attractions, four - season climate, diverse cultural sites in addition to different tribes with different and fascinating traditions and customs have made Iran as a treasury of tangible and intangible heritage.
Iran is the land of four seasons, history and culture, souvenir and authenticity. This is not a tourism slogan!
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