Featured Images of IRAN

Pould-Kaf Ski resort - Sepidan

سپیدان,pooladkaf,پیست اسکی پولادکف
Pooladkaf opened in 2002 is a ski resort in the southwest of Iran. Despite of its relative low latitude, it receives adequate snow due to its high elevation (usually 2 meters of snow in February). The skiing season starts in December and goes until the end of March and in some years until April.
Copyright: Amin Berenjkar - Mehr News
Sepeedan or Ardakan, is located to the north of the Fars province, in a mountainous and forested region mostly covered with oak trees. The city of Ardakan is about eight centuries old. Though Sepidan ...
Pould-Kaf Ski resort - Ardekan (Sepidan) - Fars Province
Pould-Kaf Ski resort - Ardekan (Sepidan)
Pould-Kaf Ski resort - Sepidan
Pould-Kaf Ski resort - Sepidan
Pould-Kaf Ski resort - Sepidan
Pould-Kaf Ski resort - Sepidan
Pould-Kaf Ski resort - Sepidan
Pould-Kaf Ski resort - Sepidan
Pould-Kaf Ski resort - Ardekan (Sepidan)
Iran is the land of four seasons, history and culture, souvenir and authenticity. This is not a tourism slogan, this is the reality inferred from the experience of visitors who have been impressed by Iran’s beauties and amazing attractions.
Antiquity and richness of its culture and civilization, the variety of natural and geographical attractions, four - season climate, diverse cultural sites in addition to different tribes with different and fascinating traditions and customs have made Iran as a treasury of tangible and intangible heritage.
Iran is the land of four seasons, history and culture, souvenir and authenticity. This is not a tourism slogan!
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