Featured Images of IRAN

Village of Sobatan (Subatan) - Talesh

Soubatan Village,Subatan,Suvatun Village,سوباتان,sobatan,soubatan,sobaatan,subataan,suvatan,taalesh,طالش,تالش,gilan,guilam,گیلان
Mid-spring and summer are the best times to visit Subatan. It has a unique nature with full of flowers in blossom. Early autumn is also a great season to visit the region. There are few permanent residents in the village during the winter because of its cold weather.
Tourist Attraction

Village of Sobatan (Subatan)

Related to Talesh (Hashtpar) (in Gilan province)
Subatan is located 36 km to the northwest of Talesh, in the northern province of Gilan. Its beauty and peace attract many local visitors and foreign tourists each year, as its cool climate offers an escape ...
The township of Talesh is 451 km. from Tehran, and there is in a mountainous area in the west of Talesh (in Gilan Province). The Alborz Mountain Range from the north to south direction and runs parallel ...
Village of Sobatan (Subatan) - Talesh
Village of Sobatan (Subatan) - Talesh
Village of Sobatan (Subatan) - Talesh
Neor lake near Sobatan (Subatan) - Talesh
Village of Sobatan (Subatan) - Talesh
Village of Sobatan (Subatan) - Talesh
Village of Sobatan (Subatan) - Talesh
Village of Sobatan (Subatan) - Talesh
Village of Sobatan (Subatan) - Talesh
Village of Sobatan (Subatan) - Talesh
Village of Sobatan (Subatan) - Talesh
Village of Sobatan (Subatan) - Talesh
Village of Sobatan (Subatan) - Talesh
Village of Sobatan (Subatan) - Talesh
Subatan Waterfall - Talesh
Village of Sobatan (Subatan) - Talesh
Village of Sobatan (Subatan) - Talesh
Village of Sobatan (Subatan) - Talesh
Iran is the land of four seasons, history and culture, souvenir and authenticity. This is not a tourism slogan, this is the reality inferred from the experience of visitors who have been impressed by Iran’s beauties and amazing attractions.
Antiquity and richness of its culture and civilization, the variety of natural and geographical attractions, four - season climate, diverse cultural sites in addition to different tribes with different and fascinating traditions and customs have made Iran as a treasury of tangible and intangible heritage.
Iran is the land of four seasons, history and culture, souvenir and authenticity. This is not a tourism slogan!
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