You searched for: chabahar
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A group of seventeen Italian sightseers have commenced an excursion across the southeastern Sistan-Baluchestan province, which is amongst Iran’s lesser-known destinations.
News (July 28, 2019 | 10:26:22)
News (July 28, 2019 | 10:26:22)
Iran government has agreed to one-year multiple entry visas for Indian visitors (extend visa validity to 90 days)
News (June 18, 2019 | 14:09:36)
News (June 18, 2019 | 14:09:36)
A major surf festival will be commenced in Iran’s Chabahar on June 20, with the aim of attracting more travelers to the port city, which is located in the southeastern Sistan-Baluchestan province.
City in 'Sistan va Baluchestan' Province
City in 'Sistan va Baluchestan' Province
The township of Iran Shahr (Iranshahr) is the largest township of Sistan and Baluchestan province, located in the central and western portion of the province. To the north of this township are the townships of Zahedan, Saravan and Khash. In the eastern ...
City in 'Sistan va Baluchestan' Province
City in 'Sistan va Baluchestan' Province
Nik Shahr was formerly a part of the township of Chabahar, and in the recent years has become a township. The said area has special facets from the natural and geographical point of view, and is famous for its citrus orchards. To its north and northeast ...
Tourist Attraction in IranShahr (city)
Tourist Attraction in IranShahr (city)
The Bahookalat River is one of the gushing rivers of the region of Sistan Va Baluchestan, and is one of the major factors of livelihood and flourishment in the south of this area. This river collects the surface waters from vast areas of south of the ...
Tourist Attraction in Nik Shahr (city)
Tourist Attraction in Nik Shahr (city)
The above mentioned tomb is at a distance of 162 km. from Chabahar towards Iran Shahr, in the vicinity of 'Puzak' in Nik Shahr. The same is held in great respect of the inhabitants.
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