You searched for: Ilkhani
31 to 34 of total 34 result(s), Page 4
Tourist Attraction in Harsin (city)
Tourist Attraction in Harsin (city)
In the down skirts of the Bistoon Mountains by the command of Mohammad Khodabandeh the Oljayto (703-716 AH.) a town was built known as "Soltan Abad Chamchal" or "litle Baqdad". This town was constructed by the Eilkhani soltans in order to be used as ...
Tourist Attraction in Khoy (city)
Tourist Attraction in Khoy (city)
This gateway or 'darvazeh' is located to the south of the ancient bazaar of Khoy, and was the original gateway of this city to the city of Salmas. Some attribute this relic to the Eilkhanian era and some to the Qajar period. The northern side of the ...
Tourist Attraction in Orumieh (city)
Tourist Attraction in Orumieh (city)
This historical mosque has been repaired from time to time and is located in the center of the ancient bazaar of this city. The ancient dome of this mosque has been related to the period of the Saljuqians and its altar to the Eilkhanian era 676 AH. Evidence ...
Tourist Attraction in Garmsar (city)
Tourist Attraction in Garmsar (city)
The same is located in the village of Imamzadeh Ali Akbar, Garmsar, and dates back to about 850 years ago. The original dome dates to the Eilkhani period, but the surrounding porches and the enterance vestibule dates back to the Qajar era. The mausoleum ...
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