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Tourist Attraction in Ardebil (city)
Tourist Attraction in Ardebil (city)
This mausoleum is located in the midst of the graveyard of the Kooraeim Village 30 km. far from Ardabil. This rectangular building belongs to the 7th century AH. and is registered by The Cultural Heritage Organization.
Tourist Attraction in Ardebil (city)
Tourist Attraction in Ardebil (city)
Other mausoleums and Imamzadehs of the province are: Imamzadeh Dokhtar in Ouchdakan locality (Ardabil), Imamzadeh Khalkhall in Khalkhall, Imamzadeh Mir Zaman and Seyed Ebrahim in Khams Village (Khalkall), Peer Ashraf Mausoleum (Ardabil), Seyed danial ...
Tourist Attraction in Ardebil (city)
Tourist Attraction in Ardebil (city)
Meaning "a river with many fish" in Azarbayjani language, this river originates from the Sabalan Mountains and passes through Ardabil city. As a result, many villages and townships have settled around this river. It also irrigates much of the agricultural ...
Tourist Attraction in Ardebil (city)
Tourist Attraction in Ardebil (city)
This wetland is located 15 km. southeast of Ardabil, near a village with the same name. It is the habitat of important waterfowl such as mallard, scaup, ruddy shelduck and starling.
Tourist Attraction in Astaneh Ashrafieh (city)
Tourist Attraction in Astaneh Ashrafieh (city)
The above mentioned is located in the Ejdaha Baluch Village of Lasht Nesha. It is a quadrangular structure with a porch on all sides. The ceiling of the front porch rests on ten beautiful ancient wooden columns. The internal cornices and porches are ...
Tourist Attraction in Bam (city)
Tourist Attraction in Bam (city)
The said mountain is located in the Rayn Village of Bam, and has an altitude of 4,465 m. This region extends over an area of 900 sq. km. and comprises of the Sarboneh and Sarmashk that adjoin the Lalehzar and Bahr Aseman Mountains. The Marqzar and Tah ...
Tourist Attraction in Bandar Abbas (city)
Tourist Attraction in Bandar Abbas (city)
This mosque is located near Bandar Khamir, in the village of Dejkan. Its pillars and nocturnal area are of sculptured and carved stone. Whereas the ceilings, entrances and the adornments of the porches are all worked with sculptured limestone. The porches ...
Tourist Attraction in Bandar Abbas (city)
Tourist Attraction in Bandar Abbas (city)
The Genoo Mountains with an elevation of 2,347 m. lie 29 km. northwest of Bandar Abbas between the villages of Feen, Siyahoo and Asiyeen. The weather in this area is relatively moderate, and due to this purpose it is renounced for its environmental and ...
Tourist Attraction in Bandar Anzali (city)
Tourist Attraction in Bandar Anzali (city)
The said is located in the village of Darsara, 5 km. to the east of Rezvan Shahr. Due to holding the great gnostic and poet of the 8th century in high esteem, the vicinity has come to be known as Seyed Sharaf Shah or Seyed Sharafeddin. The structure ...
Tourist Attraction in Ahar (city)
Tourist Attraction in Ahar (city)
Qobol Darahsi has been located at one km. from Chonab Village of Hourand, opposite the Hashtsar Mountain. It is narrated that this place was the main residential place of Babak Khorram Din. Considering the versatile natural, historical and environmental ...
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