You searched for: unesco
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News (June 26, 2019 | 10:35:11)
News (June 26, 2019 | 10:35:11)
For millennia, Iranian gardens have combined the beauty of nature with the aesthetic qualities of art and architecture to create a symbolic representation of paradise on Earth.
Four handicrafts of North Khorasan Province, including Kurdish tablecloth, charouq, chadorshab and gemstone necklace, have received the UNESCO Seal of Excellence, said the director general of the provincial cultural heritage, handicrafts and tourism department.
News (June 15, 2019 | 10:22:13)
News (June 15, 2019 | 10:22:13)
Of 290 fields of handicraft, which are known in Iran, 67 are currently being practiced in Kashan, tourism chief of the oasis city said on Thursday.
The mesmerizing Safavid architecture and world heritage sites have made Isfahan province a popular destination for both Iranian and international holidaymakers.
Historic bazaar of Tabriz in Iran’s East Azarbaijan province could sustain a blaze, which erupted around 10 p.m. on Wednesday, a fortune that provincial tourism chief attributes to rounds of previous restoration work on the UNESCO-tagged marketplace.
The University of Birjand in South Khorasan Province is hosting the first international conference on tourism in Lut Desert in eastern Iran, which is a UNESCO-inscribed and the world's 27th-largest desert.
News (April 15, 2019 | 10:23:03)
News (April 15, 2019 | 10:23:03)
Several programs will be held to commemorate the birth anniversary of the 13th-century Persian mystic and poet Farideddin Attar Neyshaburi, known as Attar, today.
Tehran’s Vali-e Asr Street has been registered on UNESCO’s temporary list of global heritage, according to Tehran mayor.
News (December 21, 2018 | 10:21:48)
News (December 21, 2018 | 10:21:48)
On the eve of the first day of winter, the winter solstice, sometime between December 21 and 22, a Persian nocturnal celebration will be celebrated in Iran. It is commonly known as 'Yalda' (Night of Birth), or 'Shab-e Chelle', for 'chelle' meaning 40, and Yalda celebration takes place 40 days prior to the Zoroastrian fire festival of Sadeh, according to the Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies.
News (November 2, 2018 | 10:03:47)
News (November 2, 2018 | 10:03:47)
Iran set a record by registering seven cities and villages on the list of UNESCO registered sites, said a handicraft official.
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