Tourist Attraction

Shahr Bany Building

in Maku city | West Azerbaijan province
Tourist Attraction

Shahr Bany Building

Related to Maku city (West Azerbaijan Province)
This is an old, but beautiful structure. Its date of construction has not been defined, but due to the mode of plaster moldings and mirror works, there is a great possibility for the year 1320 AH.. The building was formerly owned by one of the governors of Maku, after which the police head-quarters bought the place and since then it has been reputed as its present name. This building consists of two floors, the ground floor has many vast sections but devoid of any kind of decoration. The second floor is artistically finished in plaster molding, mirror work, stained or colored windows panes. The facade is also an interesting piece of art work.
Maku Attractions & Tourist Information
The township of Maku (or Makoo) is a city in the West Azerbaijan Province the northwestern most region of Iran, is mountainous and beautiful. Maku is within international borders from three sides, its capital is the city of Maku, located 939 km. from Tehran. With a moderate ...
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This church (located near Maku in West Azerbaijan Province), built on a rocky elevation near Zangomar River atop a rocky elevation some 600 years back, was exposed ...
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Category: Rivers
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Category: Bridges
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