Marvdasht City

Marvdasht Marvdasht (Thumbnail)
Marvdasht Marvdasht (Thumbnail)
Doroudzan Dam Lake - Marvdasht Doroudzan Dam Lake - Marvdasht (Thumbnail)
Doroudzan Dam Lake - Marvdasht
Marvdasht Marvdasht (Thumbnail)
Marvdasht Marvdasht (Thumbnail)
Marvdasht Marvdasht (Thumbnail)
Naghsh-e Rajab in Marvdasht Naghsh-e Rajab in Marvdasht (Thumbnail)
Naghsh-e Rajab in Marvdasht
Naghsh'e Rostam - Marvdasht Naghsh'e Rostam - Marvdasht (Thumbnail)
Naghsh'e Rostam - Marvdasht
Apadana Palace - Marvdasht Apadana Palace - Marvdasht (Thumbnail)
Apadana Palace - Marvdasht
This township is located in the north of Shiraz and it has a cold weather in the hilly areas and moderate climate in other regions. Archeological excavations have shown that millenniums before Darius decided to choose the plains of Mount Rahmat for the construction of the majestic Persepolis Palaces, civilized populations had been living in the Marvdasht Plains. The ruins of Estakhr and Persepolis demonstrate a part of history of this city.

Some historians hold that Marvdasht was originally the name of one the neighborhoods of the ancient city of Estakhr, until gradually the whole area was called Marvdasht. Others have argued that marv was the name of a plant which grew in the area and the suffix dasht (meaning plain in the Persian language) was added to form a descriptive placename.

Marvdasht is as ancient as the history of Iran and the Persian empire. Its former capital Persepolis is in the vicinity of the city, and few kilometers farther Naqsh-e-Rostam, Naqsh-e Rajab and the ruins of the ancient city of Estakhr are reminiscent of the region's importance in historic times. Archeological excavations have shown that civilized people had already been living in the Marvdasht Plains for millennia when Darius chose the plains of mount Rahmat for his royal residence.

The modern city of Marvdasht was constructed in the 20th century. After the Pahlavi government built a sugar factory in 1935 (1314 persian calendar), the city gradually developed around the factory: More and more people left the nearby villages or abandoned their nomadic life to settle in the developing city. People from farther areas also migrated to the city. In the years before the Islamic Revolution Marvdasht became the most important industrial city of Fars province, as other factories such as the petrochemical complex, Azmayesh (producing household appliances and intended to be biggest in the middle east), the Charmineh leather factory, the Fars meat complex and the Dadli biscuit company were constructed. These required a huge workforce, and the population of Marvdasht increased until it became the second most populated city in Fars province.

The fertile lands around the city were cultivated to make Marvdasht into the major center of Iranian agriculture, producing more wheat, maize, tomato, cucumber and other agricultural products than any other region.

Doroudzan Dam Lake - Marvdasht
Naghsh-e Rajab in Marvdasht
Naghsh'e Rostam - Marvdasht
Apadana Palace - Marvdasht
Tange Bostanak (Behesht'e Gomshodeh) - Marvdasht
Tange Bostanak (Behesht'e Gomshodeh) - Marvdasht
Tange Bostanak (Behesht'e Gomshodeh) - Marvdasht
Tange Bostanak (Behesht'e Gomshodeh) - Marvdasht
Tange Bostanak (Behesht'e Gomshodeh) - Marvdasht
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