Tourist Attraction

Imamzadeh Abbas

Related to Sary city (located in Mazandaran province)
The said structure with a pyramid shaped dome, and in regards to other architectural finishes has both artistic and historical value. There is a beautiful and ancient wooden chest on the tomb with the date 897 AH. engraved on it. Here three personalities have been laid to rest, named as Imamzadeh Abbas, Mohammad and Hassan. The external and internal ...
Sary Attractions & Tourist Information
The provincial capital of Mazandaran and former capital of Iran (for a short period), located in the north of Iran, between the northern slopes of the Alborz Mountains and southern coast of the Caspian Sea. Sari is the largest and most populous city of Mazandaran.
House of Manouchehr Khan Kolbadi is related to the late Qajar era and is located in Sari, the capital of Iran’s northern province of Mazandaran.
This aggregate is at a distance of 28 km. north of Sary, in the village of Farah Abad. During the reign of Shah Abbas Safavid, the same was considered as one of ...
Category: Mausoleums, Shrines
The brick tower of Imamzadeh Yahya is located in Sary, and has an ancient wooden chest and door. The inscription reveals the date of construction of the chest, ...
Category: Mosques
This structure is located in the Chenarbon Mahaleh of Sary, and its primary structure was constructed under the orders of Abol Qaseib, the Arab ruler of Tabarestan ...
The said is located in the No Mahaleh of Sary and was constructed by Khorshid Khanum . The same comprises of an entrance, foot wash and stairway, and a portion ...
The Resket Tower is located in the vicinity of Do Dangeh, and has been constructed in the early 5th century AH. The said is made of brick with a dome which has ...
Naqsh-e Rostam (Marvdasht)
Naqsh-e Rustam is an ancient necropolis, located in the village of Zangi-Abad, to the north of the city of Marvdasht in Fars province. This ancient site which is ...
Category: Mausoleums
Hafez or Hafiz is one of the most famous Gnostics and poets of Iran, who was born in Shiraz in 726 AH and passed away 65 years later. The tomb of Hafiz also known ...
The mausoleum of Imam Reza, the eighth Imam of Twelver Shiites. Imam Reza Shrine is one of the most touristy places of Iran, the world’s largest mosque.
Category: Museums, Mausoleums
The Mausoleum of Avicenna (Abu Ali Sina) is a complex located at Avicenna Square, Hamadan, Iran. Dedicated to the Iranian polymath Avicenna, the complex includes ...
Category: Mausoleums
One of the eye-catching sites is the garden which envelopes the resting place of the great scholar, mathematician, philosopher and poet, Hakim Omar Khayam. The ...
Tomb of Nader Shah (Mashhad)
Category: Museums, Mausoleums
The construction of this museum had begun in the year 1956 AH and finalized in the year 1961. This was erected on grounds having an area of 1448 sq. m. and was ...
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