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Tourist Attraction in Kerman (city)
Tourist Attraction in Kerman (city)
These are the other summer residing quarters of the province: summer resorts in the Bam - Jiroft road, 'Delfard' and 'Dar-e-Behesht' summer resort in Jiroft.
Tourist Attraction in Kerman (city)
Tourist Attraction in Kerman (city)
These are named as Baravat and Baq Dasht Villages in Bam, Pareez in Sirjan, Kashku'iyeh in Rafsanjan, Manujan in Kahnooj, Qariat-ol-Arab in Bardseer, Shahmaran and Fariyab Villages in Baft.
Tourist Attraction in Maku (city)
Tourist Attraction in Maku (city)
This ancient, historical city (1st millennium BC.) was known as Baam-e-Farhad in the heights surrounding the Sangar Village, 7 km. north of Maku. This city has no means of defense and belonged to the Orartoie tribe or clan. To the east of the city is ...
City in 'Kerman' Province
City in 'Kerman' Province
The township of Bardseer in KERMAN Province is located such that to its east are Bam and Kerman, to the south is Baft, and in the west and north are the townships of Sirjan and Rafsanjan respectively. It has a temperate and mountainous climate, with ...
Tourist Attraction in Semnan (city)
Tourist Attraction in Semnan (city)
Due to natural features, such as being located in the mountainous or near the fringes of the desert the rural settlements of Semnan province uphold special characteristics. Such examples can be the vicinities of Shahmirzad, Sangsar, Padeh and Goorsepid. ...
News (February 1, 2021 | 13:43:06)
News (February 1, 2021 | 13:43:06)
Iran’s Revitalization and Utilization Fund for Historical Places have launched a development scheme, based on which arrays of centuries-old monuments would be revived along the ancient Silk Road.
The cultural and artistic heritage of Iran in studies carried in the German-speaking countries will be discussed in the 4th Iranian Studies Forum, which will be held at the Iran House in Berlin from June 28 to 30. Professors and scholars from the University ...
Tourist Attraction in IranShahr (city)
Tourist Attraction in IranShahr (city)
As one of the important castles of the south of Sistan and Baluchistan, Naseri Castle (Ghaleh Naseri) attracts a large number of tourists and travelers in different occasions, especially on New Year holidays. This castle is considered as one of the largest ...
City in 'Kerman' Province
City in 'Kerman' Province
Jiroft is situated in the southern sector of KERMAN province and lies at a distance of 1,375 km. from Tehran. Jiroft is one of the most fertile townships of Kerman. To the north-east of which is Bam, to its south stands the township of Kahnooj and in ...
Tourist Attraction in Kahnooj (city)
Tourist Attraction in Kahnooj (city)
The Hamoon Jazmoorian Lake (Hamun-e Jaz Murian) is an important lake of Kerman province, with a variable capacity of water. This Lake does not account as a permanent lake of this region. The Halil Rood and Bampour Rivers flow into this lake from the ...
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