You searched for: Museum
211 to 220 of total 227 result(s), Page 22
Tourist Attraction in Sanandaj (city)
Tourist Attraction in Sanandaj (city)
This building is one of the historical monuments of the Kurdestan province. The same has been converted into the Sanandaj Museum. This building was constructed in late Naseredin Shah Qajar period. The method and style of its construction was influenced ...
Tourist Attraction in Semnan (city)
Tourist Attraction in Semnan (city)
This bath is located between Jame' Mosque and Imamzadeh Yahya in Semnan. The same was constructed in the year 856 AH. during the reign of Abol Qassem Babar Khan, the Teimoorid monarch. The construction took place under the orders of Babar's minister ...
Tourist Attraction in Shahrood (city)
Tourist Attraction in Shahrood (city)
This museum is located to the north of the Municipality building and the Governor's Office of Shahrood. The museum is a two storeyed building, architectured to the style of the late Qajar and early Pahlavi reigns. The building covers 306 m. under foundation ...
Tourist Attraction in Mobarakeh (city)
Tourist Attraction in Mobarakeh (city)
This museum is located in the Agricultural Faculty of Bu Ali University (Hamadan). The same was inaugurated in the year 1972. The museum has been erected in an area covering 1,800 sq.m. and with three exhibition halls. Each of these deal with a group ...
Tourist Attraction in Abadan (city)
Tourist Attraction in Abadan (city)
Rangooniha Mosque and museum (Masjed Rangooniha) in Abadan (Khuzestan Province) is related to the Qajar dynasty-Pahlavi dynasty. Rangoonis mosque was built in southwest of the Abadan Refinery near Arvand River in 1922.
City in 'Lorestan' Province
City in 'Lorestan' Province
The township of Koohdasht (Kuhdasht) is located to the west of LORESTAN province. Archaeological studies in areas such as Sorkhdam, Lori, Hamiyan and Sartarhan have revealed that Koohdasht was one of the centers of civilization of ancient Iran. The discovery ...
The earliest inscription about Tabriz, referring to the city as Tarui or Tauris, is on the Assyrian King Sargon II's epigraph in 714 BC. Tabriz has been chosen as the capital for some rulers commencing from Atropates era and his dynasty.
Iranian Architecture: some of the most majestic structures the world has ever seen !
Chosen as the 2018 Tourism Capital City of Islamic Countries, Tabriz in Northern Iran is a historic city overflowing with heritage and culture. Sprawling, with the best bazaar in Iran, beautiful architecture and plenty of Azeri culture to boot – there has been no better time to visit Tabriz then right now!
Tourist Attraction in Tehran (city)
Tourist Attraction in Tehran (city)
Other old houses in Tehran are as follows: Ehsani House (Amir Kabir Avenue), Pamenar (Bahaodolleh Alley.), Bazaar-e-Mesgarha House (Mostafa Khomeini Ave.), The Safavid House (Mostafa Khomeini Ave.), Mondella House (Ferdowsi Ave.), Qavam-ol-Saltaneh House ...
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