You searched for: Shabestan
21 to 24 of total 24 result(s), Page 3
Tourist Attraction in Zanjan (city)
Tourist Attraction in Zanjan (city)
Chehel Sotoun Mosque which is one of the most important mosques in Zanjan and the most famous Howze Elmiyeh in the Qajar era is located in bazaar of Zanjan. The mosque is in the southeast of Seyed Zanjan Mosque, and is built as a four-balcony style. According ...
Tourist Attraction in Khoy (city)
Tourist Attraction in Khoy (city)
This mosque is located in north Enqelab Street and belongs to Qajar era. It is tetrangular structure and to the height of 60 cm. it was constructed by stone and the rest with brick. It has single storey shabestan (or Nocturnal area), the pillars of which ...
Tourist Attraction in Sabzevar (city)
Tourist Attraction in Sabzevar (city)
This mosque is located in Sabzevar's Cheshm village and unfortunately has been partially turned into ruins by the passage of time. But inspite of this, its Shabestans which were places for nocturnal prayers are still in a good condition and are being ...
Tourist Attraction in Shahr-e Kord (city)
Tourist Attraction in Shahr-e Kord (city)
The aggregate of Imamzadeh Dastgerd comprises of a tall gateway, corridors with various booths, sculptured pillars upholding the nocturnal prayers hall (Shabestan) and a brick inlaid ceiling. The Mausoleum of the Imamzadeh is octagonal in shape, constructed ...
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