You searched for: golestan
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Tourist Attraction in Gorgan (city)
Tourist Attraction in Gorgan (city)
This hillock is accounted as the most valuable in respect to archaeological fields, in Golestan province. The same is located 25 km. north east of Gorgan, covering a vast area and overlooking a large blue pool. The same dates back to the 3rd millennium ...
Tourist Attraction in Gorgan (city)
Tourist Attraction in Gorgan (city)
This river originates from Hezar Masjed and Lalehruban mountains in the province of Khorassan and Golestan and enters the Caspian Sea. Its length is about 600 km.. This river along its course, flows from Shirvan, Bojnurd, Maraveh tappeh and then forms ...
Tourist Attraction in Gorgan (city)
Tourist Attraction in Gorgan (city)
The Barankooh Spring is another beautiful spring of the Golestan province and is situated 18 km. south west of Gorgan and is the route of the Shastkala River and Barankooh park.
Tourist Attraction in Gorgan (city)
Tourist Attraction in Gorgan (city)
The Ziyarat Spring is situated in a village with the same name, in Golestan province. It has a beautiful greeneries and landscapes. In summer and winter, it attracts many people.
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