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141 to 150 of total 225 result(s), Page 15
Tourist Attraction in Shooshtar (city)
Tourist Attraction in Shooshtar (city)
One of the oldest and most beautiful structures of Shooshtar is the Sika Water Mills. It is an area with small rooms and narrow corridors, alongside which streams of water canals are observed. It has outlets to the Gerger River. In these mills the high ...
Tourist Attraction in Torbat Jaam (city)
Tourist Attraction in Torbat Jaam (city)
The pilgrimage site of Ahmad Bin Abol Hassan Sheikh Ahmad Jaam (441-536 AH.), is located in Mashad - Harat Road and consists of ten historical buildings which are placed around a vast courtyard. Sheikh Ahmad pilgrimage is one of the greatests pilgrimage ...
Tourist Attraction in Tuyserkan (city)
Tourist Attraction in Tuyserkan (city)
The tomb of Mohammad Razieddin Artimany, is located on a hill in the village of Artiman ( the township of Towiserkan). The facade of the structure is of brick, and has three tall arches. Behind these arches, there is an arched doorway with tile works. ...
Tourist Attraction in Bisotun (Bistoun) (city)
Tourist Attraction in Bisotun (Bistoun) (city)
This caravansary is located in Bistoon and has four porches. The same has been built by Sheikh Ali Khan Zanganeh. Its building is in a rectangular in form. In its rectangular courtyard there are 47 rooms for travelers. The caravansary has 4 circular ...
Tourist Attraction in Shalamzar (city)
Tourist Attraction in Shalamzar (city)
Shalamzar castle and remainders of the aggregate castles of Najaf-Qoli Khan are located in Shalamzar and were constructed by the local governors (Khans) of the Bakhtiyari Tribe. The Shalamzar castle or Samsam-o-Saltane castle which covers an area of ...
Tourist Attraction in Dashtestan (Burazjan) (city)
Tourist Attraction in Dashtestan (Burazjan) (city)
In the north of 'Sa'dabad' (district of Burazjan), the 'Shapour River' flows through the rocky, stony and layers of heaped sand. The two sides and within these rocks, there are numerous crypts (similar to tiny 'dug out' chambers or rooms). Chehel Khaneh ...
Tourist Attraction in Qom (city)
Tourist Attraction in Qom (city)
The ancient site of Qoli Darvish Hill located southwest of the city Qom (near Jamkaran) was vacant for more than one thousand years, and then regained its previous glory.
Tourist Attraction in Birjand (city)
Tourist Attraction in Birjand (city)
Kolah farangi Citadel was built during the late Zand and early Qajar eras between 1848 and 1895. Its structure has a hexagonal base and a white conical top. It is white in color and construction materials consist of brick and limestone.
Tourist Attraction in Ferdows (city)
Tourist Attraction in Ferdows (city)
Located in a historical complex consisting of a mosque, an ancient bathhouse with a stone inscription dating back to 1544, an ab-anbar, with an inscription dating back to 1667, and an old bazaar.
Tourist Attraction in Malayer (city)
Tourist Attraction in Malayer (city)
The underground complex, located 400 km west of Tehran, is believed to be built sometime between the fall of the Achaemenid Empire (550-330 BC) and the early Parthian era (247 BC-224 CE).
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