Tourist Attraction

Firooz Abad Minaret

in Kashmar city | Khorasan Razavi province
Tourist Attraction

Firooz Abad Minaret

Related to Kashmar city (Khorasan Razavi Province)
This minaret is constructed of brick and has ‘Kufi’ inscriptions on it, dating back to the late 7th century AH. Though the construction of this minaret is of plain brick - the bricks are laid in a zigzag pattern enhancing its beauty. Inside the minaret a remnant of a stair case can be observed and on minaret some holes are encarved. At present this minaret stands 18 m. in height.
Kashmar Attractions & Tourist Information
Kashmar is situated west of the province of Khorassan and lies 926 km. from Tehran. The river Sish Taraz which flows by Kashmar has the famous historical Shahi Dyke spanning its waters . Due to influences of the desert the southern part of Kashmar is warm, and in the northern ...
The hot spring of Khalilabad (Germou or Garmoo), 240 km southwest of Mashhad, with a temperature of 25° C, is said to be particularly beneficial for dermatological ...
Category: Mausoleums
Seyed Hassan Modares is one of the famous characters of the contemporary history of Iran. This personality was poisoned in the year 1317 AH during the reign of ...
This tower is located in the village of Ali Abad 42 km. from the city of Kashmar. The tower has been erected on the fort and the minaret of which resembles a tower, ...
Category: Villages
Namaq is situated in a hilly area and many mountains have surrounded this village. It many historical sites,e.g., the tomb of the great Gnostic Sheikh Abol Hassan ...
Atashgah castle is located 12km north west of Kashmar city in Khorasan Razavi Province. This castle was built by the Sasanian government and it was famous in ancient ...
Category: Mausoleums, Minarets
Arsalan Jazeb (Arsalan Jazib) was the governor of Tous, contemporary of Sultan Mohammad Qaznavi (beginning of the 5th century AH). He was also a big devotee of ...
Category: Minarets
Another interesting relic of the Saljuqi period is the Chehel Dokhtar Minaret in Esfahan (Also known as Chehel Dokhtaran). The same is adorned with brick work and ...
Dovecotes (Kaboutarkhaneh or Pigeon Towers) or such turrets are in plenty in the agricultural vicinities of Isfahan (Esfahan). These have been built with the purpose ...
Category: Minarets, Mausoleums
Shams Tabrizi's tomb in Khoy, beside a tower monument in a memorial park, has been nominated as a World Cultural Heritage Center by UNESCO.
Domenareh Golshan (Two Minarets School) was a historical School dates back to the 5th century AH (Saljuqi period). The minarets of this building are made of brick ...
Category: Minarets
Gaskar Minaret (Manareh Bazaar Gaskar) Situated in the central part of Somiehsara (Someh Sara), this minaret stands as a remembrance of the grand minarets of the ...
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