Tourist Attraction

Anubanini rock relief

Related to Sar Pol-e-Zahab city (located in Kermanshah province)
Also known as: Anubanini Inscription, Sarpol-i Zohab relief, The Anubanini petroglyph
In the vicinity of Sar Pol-e-Zahab, there is an Anubanini impression engraved in the breast of a rock. Anubanini rock relief is alongside an inscription written in Akadi script and this relic is present even up to this date. The two embossments of this rock are related to 2800 years BC., engraved in the breast of the a mountain reaching an elevation ...
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Anubanini Inscription,Sarpol-i Zohab relief,The Anubanini petroglyph,anobanini,anubanini,anuba nini,آنوبانینی,آنوبا نی نی,انوبانی نی,sarpolzahab,sarepolezahab,sare pole zahab,سرپلذهاب,سر پل ذهاب,سرپل زهاب,Sarpol Zahab,سنگ نگاره آنوبانینی,نقش برجسته آنوبا نی نی
Anubanini rock relief - Sarpol-e Zahab
The left foot of this impression has been put on a captive. Under this engraving the faces of 16 other captives under tragic conditions have been displayed. An inscription revealing the victory of Anubanini can also be observed below the said effect.
Anubanini Inscription,Sarpol-i Zohab relief,The Anubanini petroglyph,anobanini,anubanini,anuba nini,آنوبانینی,آنوبا نی نی,انوبانی نی,sarpolzahab,sarepolezahab,sare pole zahab,سرپلذهاب,سر پل ذهاب,سرپل زهاب,Sarpol Zahab,سنگ نگاره آنوبانینی,نقش برجسته آنوبا نی نی
Anubanini rock relief - Sarpol-e Zahab
Drawing by Pascal Coste
Anubanini Inscription,Sarpol-i Zohab relief,The Anubanini petroglyph,anobanini,anubanini,anuba nini,آنوبانینی,آنوبا نی نی,انوبانی نی,sarpolzahab,sarepolezahab,sare pole zahab,سرپلذهاب,سر پل ذهاب,سرپل زهاب,Sarpol Zahab,سنگ نگاره آنوبانینی,نقش برجسته آنوبا نی نی
Anubanini rock relief - Sarpol-e Zahab
The rock relief is believed to belong to the Lullubi culture and is located 120 kilometers away from the north of Kermanshah, close to Sarpol-e Zahab. Lullubi reliefs are the earliest rock reliefs of Iran, later ones being the Elamite reliefs of Eshkaft-e Salman and Kul-e Farah.
Anubanini Inscription,Sarpol-i Zohab relief,The Anubanini petroglyph,anobanini,anubanini,anuba nini,آنوبانینی,آنوبا نی نی,انوبانی نی,sarpolzahab,sarepolezahab,sare pole zahab,سرپلذهاب,سر پل ذهاب,سرپل زهاب,Sarpol Zahab,سنگ نگاره آنوبانینی,نقش برجسته آنوبا نی نی
Anubanini rock relief - Sarpol-e Zahab
In the vicinity of Sar Pol-e-Zahab, there is an Anubanini impression engraved in the breast of a rock. Anubanini rock relief is alongside an inscription written in Akadi script and this relic is present even up to this date.
Anubanini Inscription,Sarpol-i Zohab relief,The Anubanini petroglyph,anobanini,anubanini,anuba nini,آنوبانینی,آنوبا نی نی,انوبانی نی,sarpolzahab,sarepolezahab,sare pole zahab,سرپلذهاب,سر پل ذهاب,سرپل زهاب,Sarpol Zahab,سنگ نگاره آنوبانینی,نقش برجسته آنوبا نی نی
Anubanini rock relief - Sarpol-e Zahab
Sarpol-e Zahab, relief I. Beardless warrior with axe, trampling a foe. Sundisk above. A name "Zaba(zuna), son of ..." can be read. He is usually considered as a ruler of the Lullubi, but he could be a ruler of the Kingdom of Simurrum, son of Iddin-Sin.
Anubanini Inscription,Sarpol-i Zohab relief,The Anubanini petroglyph,anobanini,anubanini,anuba nini,آنوبانینی,آنوبا نی نی,انوبانی نی,sarpolzahab,sarepolezahab,sare pole zahab,سرپلذهاب,سر پل ذهاب,سرپل زهاب,Sarpol Zahab,سنگ نگاره آنوبانینی,نقش برجسته آنوبا نی نی
Anubanini rock relief - Sarpol-e Zahab
In the vicinity of Sar Pol-e-Zahab, there is an Anubanini impression engraved in the breast of a rock. Anubanini rock relief is alongside an inscription written in Akadi script and this relic is present even up to this date.
Anubanini Inscription,Sarpol-i Zohab relief,The Anubanini petroglyph,anobanini,anubanini,anuba nini,آنوبانینی,آنوبا نی نی,انوبانی نی,sarpolzahab,sarepolezahab,sare pole zahab,سرپلذهاب,سر پل ذهاب,سرپل زهاب,Sarpol Zahab,سنگ نگاره آنوبانینی,نقش برجسته آنوبا نی نی
Anubanini rock relief - Sarpol-e Zahab
The rock relief is believed to belong to the Lullubi culture and is located 120 kilometers away from the north of Kermanshah, close to Sarpol-e Zahab. Lullubi reliefs are the earliest rock reliefs of Iran, later ones being the Elamite reliefs of Eshkaft-e Salman and Kul-e Farah.
Anubanini Inscription,Sarpol-i Zohab relief,The Anubanini petroglyph,anobanini,anubanini,anuba nini,آنوبانینی,آنوبا نی نی,انوبانی نی,sarpolzahab,sarepolezahab,sare pole zahab,سرپلذهاب,سر پل ذهاب,سرپل زهاب,Sarpol Zahab,سنگ نگاره آنوبانینی,نقش برجسته آنوبا نی نی
Anubanini rock relief - Sarpol-e Zahab
Sarpol-e Zahab, relief I. Beardless warrior with axe, trampling a foe. Sundisk above. A name "Zaba(zuna), son of ..." can be read. He is usually considered as a ruler of the Lullubi, but he could be a ruler of the Kingdom of Simurrum, son of Iddin-Sin.
Anubanini Inscription,Sarpol-i Zohab relief,The Anubanini petroglyph,anobanini,anubanini,anuba nini,آنوبانینی,آنوبا نی نی,انوبانی نی,sarpolzahab,sarepolezahab,sare pole zahab,سرپلذهاب,سر پل ذهاب,سرپل زهاب,Sarpol Zahab,سنگ نگاره آنوبانینی,نقش برجسته آنوبا نی نی
Anubanini rock relief - Sarpol-e Zahab
The two embossments of this rock are related to 2800 years BC., engraved in the breast of the a mountain reaching an elevation of 35 m. high., and it is attributed to Semitic monarch known as "Anubanini".
Anubanini Inscription,Sarpol-i Zohab relief,The Anubanini petroglyph,anobanini,anubanini,anuba nini,آنوبانینی,آنوبا نی نی,انوبانی نی,sarpolzahab,sarepolezahab,sare pole zahab,سرپلذهاب,سر پل ذهاب,سرپل زهاب,Sarpol Zahab,سنگ نگاره آنوبانینی,نقش برجسته آنوبا نی نی
Anubanini rock relief - Sarpol-e Zahab
In the vicinity of Sar Pol-e-Zahab, there is an Anubanini impression engraved in the breast of a rock. Anubanini rock relief is alongside an inscription written in Akadi script and this relic is present even up to this date.
Anubanini Inscription,Sarpol-i Zohab relief,The Anubanini petroglyph,anobanini,anubanini,anuba nini,آنوبانینی,آنوبا نی نی,انوبانی نی,sarpolzahab,sarepolezahab,sare pole zahab,سرپلذهاب,سر پل ذهاب,سرپل زهاب,Sarpol Zahab,سنگ نگاره آنوبانینی,نقش برجسته آنوبا نی نی
Anubanini rock relief - Sarpol-e Zahab
In this rock relief, Anubanini, the king of the Lullubi, puts his foot on the chest of a captive. There are eight other captives, two of them kneeling behind the Lullubian equivalent of the Akkadian goddess Ishtar (recognisable by the four pairs of horns on her headdress and the weapons over her shoulders) and six of them standing in a lower row at the bottom of the rock relief. He is bare-chested, only wearing a short skirt.
Anubanini Inscription,Sarpol-i Zohab relief,The Anubanini petroglyph,anobanini,anubanini,anuba nini,آنوبانینی,آنوبا نی نی,انوبانی نی,sarpolzahab,sarepolezahab,sare pole zahab,سرپلذهاب,سر پل ذهاب,سرپل زهاب,Sarpol Zahab,سنگ نگاره آنوبانینی,نقش برجسته آنوبا نی نی
Anubanini rock relief - Sarpol-e Zahab
In the vicinity of Sar Pol-e-Zahab, there is an Anubanini impression engraved in the breast of a rock. Anubanini rock relief is alongside an inscription written in Akadi script and this relic is present even up to this date.
Sar Pol-e-Zahab Attractions & Tourist Information
The township of Sar Pol-e-Zahab is located in the west of the province and is limited to Iraq from its western borders. Its climate is warm but in some parts temperate. This city is located at the distance of 665 km. from Tehran. Sar Pol-e-Zahab is near the ruins of the ...
Dokan-e-Davood Tomb (Goordakhmeh Dokan'e Davoud) is a crypt in the breast of a mountain, and is located 3km to the south east of Sarpol Zahab (Sar Pol-e-Zahab). ...
In the limits of Sar Pol-e-Zahab there are the relics of two caravansaries. The first is a four porch one constructed of brick and dating to the Safavid period. ...
Category: Rivers
The Jagiran River is within the limits of the townships of Sar Pol-e-Zahab. This river is 67 km. in length and originates from the western slopes of the Molachieh ...
Category: Springs
This spring is located between Sar Pol-e-Zahab and Qasr-e-Shirin and is used by people.
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