Tourist Attraction

Shater Gonbady Tower

in Ardebil city | Ardabil province
Tourist Attraction

Shater Gonbady Tower

Related to Ardebil city (Ardabil Province)
This tower is located in Somi'eh Village, 8.5 km. from Ardabil. It is surrounded by open green space. Although heavily damaged, it's architectural design probably belongs to about the 8th century AH.
Ardebil Attractions & Tourist Information
The city of Ardabil, as the capital of the province, is located at a distance of 639 kilometers from Tehran, west to the volcanic mountain of Sabalan. The weather of the province varies between extreme cold on the mountainous areas, to moderate on the plains. The name of ...
Category: Bridges
This seven-arched bridge has been constructed on the Baliqly Chay River, belonging to the Safavid period. Its piles are made of stone with zigzag barrel-arches ...
Bazaar of Ardabil is a reminiscence from the thirteenth century, Seljuk dynasty. This complex is located in the central area of the city Ardabil.
Category: Lakes
Neor Lake (Neur) is located 48 km. southeast of the city of Ardabil, in an altitude of 2,700 m. above sea level. With an area of more than 220 hectares, it is composed ...
Category: Mosques
Ardabil Jomeh Mosque is the remains of a huge building from the Saljuqian period which is located in Pir Shamseddin district and in center of a cemetery and is ...
Category: Ski resorts
Alvares Ski Resort in the steep hillside of Sabalan Mountain is 12 kilometers away from Alvares village and 24 kilometers away from Sareyn county in the northeastern ...
Church of the Virgin Mary (Holy Maryam Church) is located in the Armanestan Alley (Armenian Alley, Armenistan Gazran alley) or Ounchoo Meydan (Unchi square) in ...
Gonbad Qaboos Tower (Gonbad Kavoos)
Gonbad-e Qabus tower is a majestic structure made of brick, with special technicalities and affects of art, related to the 4th century AH. This structure which ...
This historical structure is to the southeast of Orumieh and the date 580 AH. can be noted on three inscriptions in the Kufic script placed on the entrance door. ...
This tomb is located in the city of Hamadan near the Ebne Sina Junior School. This is the resting abode of 'Sheikh-ol-Islam Hassan Ebne Attar Hafez Abol Ala' ...
Radkan tower (Mil Radkan Chenaran) is located in 26 kilometers northwest of Chenaran city, Razavi Khorasan province. This conical tower with height of 25 meters’ ...
Naqareh Khaneh Tower (Shahr-e-Rey)
The remenant of this eight panelled tower has remained on the top of the Naqareh Khaneh Mountain of Ray City in Tehran Province. Naghareh Khane Tower or Bayazieed ...
Dovecotes (Kaboutarkhaneh or Pigeon Towers) or such turrets are in plenty in the agricultural vicinities of Isfahan (Esfahan). These have been built with the purpose ...
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