You searched for: Persian poet
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City in 'Fars' Province
City in 'Fars' Province
City of poets, Shiraz is home to the graves of Hafez and Sa'di, both major pilgrimage sites for Iranians. It's also home to splendid gardens, exquisite mosques and whispered echoes of ancient sophistication that reward those who linger beyond the customary excursion to nearby Persepolis: the area's major tourist destination.
Tourist Attraction in Shiraz (city)
Tourist Attraction in Shiraz (city)
Hafez or Hafiz is one of the most famous Gnostics and poets of Iran, who was born in Shiraz in 726 AH and passed away 65 years later. The tomb of Hafiz also known as Hafizieh is located north of Shiraz and comprises of two gardens. Many people still ...
Tourist Attraction in Tehran (city)
Tourist Attraction in Tehran (city)
Zahirodowleh Cemetery in Tehran is located between Imamzadeh Ghasem and Tajrish on the north side of Tehran, where celebrities and politicians have been buried.
Tourist Attraction in Mashhad (city)
Tourist Attraction in Mashhad (city)
The tomb of the great poet Abolqassem Ferdowsi, can be accounted for a place of worship so to be called by the lovers of Farsi Literature. This renowned historical site has brought fame for the city of Toos. The construction of this tomb began in the ...
Tourist Attraction in Mashhad (city)
Tourist Attraction in Mashhad (city)
Arsalan Jazeb (Arsalan Jazib) was the governor of Tous, contemporary of Sultan Mohammad Qaznavi (beginning of the 5th century AH). He was also a big devotee of famous Persian poet Ferdowsi. He was the first one who erected a monument over Ferdowsi’s ...
Tourist Attraction in Shiraz (city)
Tourist Attraction in Shiraz (city)
This building which is a tomb of one of the known Iranian gnostics, is located in the east Shiraz. At present only a small part of this tomb has remained and the tombs of the Sheikh along with those of his sons and grand children are located within the ...
Tourist Attraction in Ardestan (city)
Tourist Attraction in Ardestan (city)
Zavareh is a historical village located in the north of Isfahan province in central Iran near the salt desert of Ardestan. It has been named after the brother of Rostam, a mythical figure in renowned Persian poet Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh.
Tourist Attraction in Kish Island (city)
Tourist Attraction in Kish Island (city)
The ruins of the ancient town of Harireh, situated in the center of Kish Island, are said to be 800 years old and its area is about 3 square kilometers. The ruins include the remains of a mansion with Ilkhanid era (1256-1353) tiles, a public bath and ...
The 8th International Conference on Rumi and Shams-i Tabrizi will be held on September 29 and 30.
News (July 8, 2021 | 10:31:11)
News (July 8, 2021 | 10:31:11)
A number of historical palaces can be found in the Iranian capital, which has always been a center of decision-making, power, and politics.
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