Tourist Attraction

Payqambaran (Profets) Mausoleum

in Semnan city | Semnan province
Tourist Attraction

Payqambaran (Profets) Mausoleum

Related to Semnan city (Semnan Province)
The same is situated on an elevation, 18 km. from Semnan. This mausoleum is that of the offspring or (two sons) of the Prophet Noah (AS). The structure comprises of a tomb, which is square in shape with a latticed worked wooden chest on it. The dome of mausoleum is conical and simple in structure. In one of the two south east facing porches, is a tiled inscription which states that the site was a temple in ancient times, particularly during the Parthian period. In the last decades this mausoleum has been repaired.
Semnan Attractions & Tourist Information
Semnan is located 216 kilometers east of Tehran in north central Iran. It is home to Semnani languages and is known as Seman locally.
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Category: Mosques
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Category: Mausoleums
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Category: Museums, Mausoleums
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