

More information about Persepolis
in Marvdasht City
city: Marvdasht
On top of the rocky mountain of Rahmat in the plain of Marvdasht, the ruins of Takht-e-Jamshid palace are pre-eminent. Construction of these palaces started at the time of Darius I ... MORE
An Incredible touch to Persian Antiquity! One of the great wonders of the ancient world.It was conceived by Darius the Great who (520 BC) inherited the responsibility for ruling the world's first known empire founded by his predecessor, Cyrus the Great.
More information about Sa'd Abad Palace Museum
Sa'd Abad Palace Museum
in Tehran City
city: Tehran
Opening Time: every day (9:00 - 18:45) Last entry: 17:30 The complex contains 18 palaces belonged to the royal families of Qajar and Pahlavi, in a unique and beautiful garden.   The ... MORE
Saadabad is a cultural and historical complex that covers an area of 110 hectares and is located at the northernmost part of Tehran.
More information about Chehel Sotoun Palace
Chehel Sotoun Palace
in Isfahan City
city: Isfahan
The Chehel Sotoun Palace and its garden cover an area of approximately 67,000 sq. m. This palace was constructed during the reign of Shah Abbas I. Shah Abbas II was also responsible ... MORE
Chehel Sotoun (or Chihil-Sutun) is a pavilion in Isfahan, in the middle of a park at the end of a long pool. It was built by Shah Abbas II.
More information about Golestan Palace
Golestan Palace
in Tehran City
city: Tehran
Golestan Palace was constructed in the year 1268 AH. under the order of Naseredin Shah. This palace is comprised of the entrance along with various pavillions, such as mirror, diamonds, ... MORE
One of the oldest historic monuments in the city of Tehran, and of world heritage status belongs to a group of royal buildings that were once enclosed within the mud-thatched walls of Tehran's arg (citadel). It consists of gardens, royal buildings, and collections of Iranian crafts and European presents from the 18th and 19th centuries.
city: Tabriz
Tabriz Municipality Palace (also known as Sa'at Tower or Kakh-e Shahrdari) is located in the downtown of Tabriz in the famous Clock (Sa'at) square. This structure was constructed ... MORE
Tabriz clock tower also known as Tabriz Municipality Palace is the city hall and main office of the municipal government of Tabriz, East Azarbaijan Province. In recent years parts of the building is reorganized as municipality museum of Tabriz.
city: Tehran
A hike up the northwest end of the Sa'd Abad Museum Complex, the classical-looking Green Palace was built at the end of the Qajar era when it was known as the Shahvand Palace. ... MORE
Located in Saadabad Historical Complex (Sa'd Abad) in north of Tehran, was built at the end of the Qajar era when it was known as the Shahvand Palace.
More information about Palace of Ardashir-e Babakan
Palace of Ardashir-e Babakan
in Firooz Abad (Firuzabad) City
The palace of king Ardashir I, the founder of the Sasanian Empire, was built opposite the city he had founded, Ardashir Khureh ("fame of Ardashir"). Although one had to cross a river, ... MORE
The Castle of Ardeshir-e Babakan (Palace of Ardashir Papakan), also known as the Atash-kadeh, built in 224 AD by Ardashir I, is a castle located on the slopes of a mountain which Ghaleh Dokhtar is also situated on.
More information about Mellat Palace Museum
Mellat Palace Museum
in Tehran City
city: Tehran
Mellat Palace Museum (also known as White Place or Abyaz Palace) in Sa'dabad Complex as a locale dedicated to administrative affairs and formal receptions, served as the summer ... MORE
Also known as White Palace (Abyaz) in Sadabad Complex in Tehran, Built in the 1930s, this served as the Pahlavi summer residence. It has 54-room dates from 1942–79. The building is filled with modern furnishings, the highlights of which are the immense handmade carpets.
More information about Junqan Castle
Junqan Castle
in Shahr-e-Kord City
Jonaqan or Joneqoon is a small city, situated at 38 km southwest of Shahr-e-Kord which was the residential quarter of the Khans of the Bakhtiyari Tribe . In the year 1939 AH, Ali Qoli ... MORE
Junqan Castle was built at the end of the thirteenth century of the lunar Hegira, by Commander As’ad II Bakhtiari with inspiration from European 1900s castles in the late Qajar dynasty. It is located in Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province.
More information about Pasargadae
in Marvdasht City
city: Marvdasht
Pasargade (Pasargaad) was the capital of the Achaemenid Empire under Cyrus the Great (559–530 BC), who ordered its construction. This palace is 600 meters to the northeast of the Koorush ... MORE
Pasargade (Pasargaad) was the capital of the Achaemenid Empire under Cyrus the Great (559–530 BC), who ordered its construction. This palace is 600 meters to the northeast of the Koorush shrine. The area of this palace is 2,620 square meters and includes a large hall (with eight columns) in the middle ...
More information about Hasht Behesht Palace
Hasht Behesht Palace
in Isfahan City
city: Isfahan
Hasht Behesht historical edifice (Hashtbehesht Palace) was constructed during the reign of Shah Soleiman Safavid. Today, only a minor portion of the grounds remains. However, tile ... MORE
Hasht Behesht historical edifice (Hashtbehesht Palace) was constructed during the reign of Shah Soleiman Safavid. Today, only a minor portion of the grounds remains. However, tile work with interesting designs, which are the remnants of this palace can be noted. Hasht Behesht Palace is located in the ...
city: Mashhad
Dating back to 1740, The Khorshid Palace of Kalat (Ghasr-e Khorshid) near Mashhad in Khorasan Razavi Province is from the time of Nader Shah Afshar and had most probably been constructed ... MORE
Khorshid Palace in Kalat Nader city of Iran (khorasan Razavi Province), was built in Afsharid dynasty after subjugating India by Nader Shah. This unique cylindrical palace built of black marble at Seventeenth Century.
city: Ramsar
The Ramsar Palace Museum (Marmar Palace, Marble Palace, Ramsar Royal Palace) is one of the historic buildings and royal residences in Ramsar (North of Iran) in Mazandaran Province. ... MORE
The Ramsar Palace Museum (Marmar Palace, Marble Palace, Ramsar Royal Palace) is one of the historic buildings and royal residences in Ramsar (North of Iran) in Mazandaran Province. This Palace was established on a land of 60,000 square meters in 1937 and was used as a summer residence by Reza Shah and ...
More information about Niavaran Palace Complex
Niavaran Palace Complex
in Tehran City
city: Tehran
Niavaran complex is located in a majestic, refreshing garden which measures about 11 hectares and includes monuments belonging to the Qajar and Pahlavid eras. The beginning history ... MORE
Niavaran Palace Complex is a building that once belonged to the royal family of Qajar. This oasis complex is consists of several parts including palaces, museums, and gardens.
More information about Masoudieh Palace
Masoudieh Palace
in Tehran City
city: Tehran
Masoudieh Palace (Emarat-Masoudieh complex) stands on Jomhuri street, near Baharestan Square, south Tehran. Built in 1879 for Naser al-Din Shah's son, Masoud Mirza, who was also ... MORE
Emarat-e Masoudieh is one of the most beautiful palaces of Qajar era. Because of the rich history and fresh architecture style, the palace is a popular touristic spot and an important historical site. The walls and halls decorated in a mixed Iranian-European style, tell the visitors stories from the past, charming and mysterious.
city: Yazd
Qasr-e-Ayeneh (Mirror Palace) Museum has a foundation of 837 square meters and is located in a garden 8,174 square meters in area. The museum building was formerly belonging to a wealthy ... MORE
Qasr-e-Ayeneh (Mirror Palace) Museum has a foundation of 837 square meters and is located in a garden 8,174 square meters in area. The museum building was formerly belonging to a wealthy personality of Yazd. After the Islamic revolution, it has been converted into the museum. In this museum, calligraphic ...
More information about Gorgan Palace Museum
Gorgan Palace Museum
in Gorgan City
city: Gorgan
Gorgan Palace Museum (Also known as Gorgan Specific Palace or Kakh-e Ekhtesasi) is related to the first Pahlavid era and is located in City Park (previously was a city library). Gorgan ... MORE
Gorgan Palace Museum is a two-story structure built in the European style of architecture. The museum showcases items which previously belonged to the Pahlavi family. The first floor of the museum has displays dedicated to 30 prominent figures from Golestan Province.There are several tomb stones dating from the 9th to 19th century displayed in the courtyard of the palace.
city: Noor
Tamishan Palace (Ashraf Palace in Nur) is located 5km from Noor city in Mazandaran province, and was constructed about 1974 in under the orders of Ashraf Pahlavi (the sibling of Mohammad ... MORE
Faculty of Natural Resource & Marine Sciences
city: Borazjan
Kooshk-e Ardeshir (Ardashir Palace) is much similar to the palace of Ardeshir-e-Babakan in Firouz Abad and is built of uncut stone and mortar, the lower part of which is cross-like ... MORE
Kooshk-e Ardeshir (Ardashir Palace) is much similar to the palace of Ardeshir-e-Babakan in Firouz Abad and is built of uncut stone and mortar, the lower part of which is cross-like and has cradle-like vaults. On the upper part a stone pillar can be seen which has probably been used for Fire-Kindling ...
More information about Sorkheh Hesar Palace
Sorkheh Hesar Palace
in Tehran City
city: Tehran
Sorkheh Hesar Palace also known as the Yaqoot or Ruby palace (Yaghout Palace) was built by Naseredin Shah at the end of the (13th century). This palace comprised of two parts, named ... MORE
Sorkheh Hesar Palace also known as the Yaqoot or Ruby palace (Yaghout Palace) was built by Naseredin Shah at the end of the (13th century). This palace comprised of two parts, named as"Kushk-e-Birouni" and "Haram Khaneh" which in overall consisted of 200 rooms. In addition to above it also had a caravansary, ...
More information about Sahebgharanieh Palace
Sahebgharanieh Palace
in Tehran City
city: Tehran
Sahebqaraniyeh Palace is Qajar period building in the Niavaran Cultural Historic Complex was once Nasser-al Din Shah’s harem before later being transformed into Mohammad Reza Shah’s ... MORE
Sahebgharanieh is a combination of history, art, culture, and architecture which invites every visitor to travel around a worth seeing world.
The ancient city of Susa (Shoosh or Shush) has been one of the oldest civilization centers and one of the most famous cities in the world. It was the capital of Elamite dynasty for ... MORE
The ancient city of Susa (Shoosh or Shush) has been one of the oldest civilization centers and one of the most famous cities in the world. It was the capital of Elamite dynasty for several thousand years old, as well as the Achaemenid Empire's winter capital. The remnants of Shahoor Palace (built ...
More information about Sassanide Palace (Khosravi Edifice)
Sassanide Palace (Khosravi Edifice)
in Qasr-e Shirin City
The ruins of a few Sassanide palaces and other relics which indicate the expansion of such Sassanide structures are remains in Qasr-e-Shirin. The aggregate of relics of such edifices, ... MORE
The ruins of a few Sassanide palaces and other relics which indicate the expansion of such Sassanide structures are remains in Qasr-e-Shirin. The aggregate of relics of such edifices, are currently reputedly known as the Khosravi edifice. Its construction goes back to Khosrow Parviz Sassanide era. ...
city: Maku
Kolah Farangi Mansion is located in the Imam Avenue in Maku (West azarbaijan Province in Northwest of IRAN) and formerly belonged to Ali Qoli Khan Bayat (Aligholi Khan). The construction ... MORE
Kolah Farangi Mansion is located in the Imam Avenue in Maku (West azarbaijan Province in Northwest of IRAN) and formerly belonged to Ali Qoli Khan Bayat (Aligholi Khan). The construction dates back to the end of the Qajar (Ghajar) period. It is in two floors and has interesting architectural affects ...
city: Tehran
Historical Mansion of Eshrat Abad or Eshrat-Abad Palace (also known as the Eshtakad Abad Palace) was constructed under the order of Naseredin Shah in the year 1291 AH. and is located ... MORE
Historical Mansion of Eshrat Abad or Eshrat-Abad Palace (also known as the Eshtakad Abad Palace) was constructed under the order of Naseredin Shah in the year 1291 AH. and is located to the north east of Tehran (Sepah Sq.), in the Eshrat Abad sector, beyond the Shemiran Gate way. This Kolah Farangi ...
city: Shiraz
Located 9 km southwest of Sarvestan, it is a large monument made of stone and gypsum. This monument dates back to the Sassanian period and to the time of Bahram-Gour (420-438 AD). ... MORE
Located 9 km southwest of Sarvestan, it is a large monument made of stone and gypsum. This monument dates back to the Sassanian period and to the time of Bahram-Gour (420-438 AD). Mehrnevsi, his well-known minister ordered the construction of this palace. Since 1956, major renovations took place. This ...
More information about Sar Dar Ali Qapoo Palace
Sar Dar Ali Qapoo Palace
in Qazvin City
city: Qazvin
One of the most important edifices of the Safavid era in Qazvin was the Naderi premises. It comprises of several edifices and beautiful gardens with seven gates. One of these gates ... MORE
One of the most important edifices of the Safavid era in Qazvin was the Naderi premises. It comprises of several edifices and beautiful gardens with seven gates. One of these gates was called Ali Qapoo. The same is an elevated façade leading to a vestibule. On both sides of the façade is a stony platform. ...
More information about Falakol Aflak Castle Museum
Falakol Aflak Castle Museum
in Khorramabad (Khorram Abaad) City
This palace (museum) is one of the historical structures related to the Sassanian era. The said is located on a hill in the midst of the city of Khoram Abad. A section of this palace ... MORE
This palace (museum) is one of the historical structures related to the Sassanian era. The said is located on a hill in the midst of the city of Khoram Abad. A section of this palace was converted into a museum in the years 1976-1977. This museum comprises of two sections named as, an archaeology and ...
More information about Baqcheh Jooq Palace
Baqcheh Jooq Palace
in Maku City
city: Maku
This palace is located at a distance of 8 km. between Maku and Bazargan border town and is situated in a vast garden covering about 11 hectares. This palace was built at the end of ... MORE
This palace is located at a distance of 8 km. between Maku and Bazargan border town and is situated in a vast garden covering about 11 hectares. This palace was built at the end of Qajar era under the orders of Iqbal-ol-Saltaneh Makui, one of the commanders of Mozafaredin Shah. This edifice can be divided ...
The winter palace of Dariush or 'Darius' located 12 km. north of the current city of Burazjan is known as the 'Bardak Siyah (palace). This palace has 10 pillars in two rows and is ... MORE
The winter palace of Dariush or 'Darius' located 12 km. north of the current city of Burazjan is known as the 'Bardak Siyah (palace). This palace has 10 pillars in two rows and is architectured according to Achaemenian design. Black stone is used as a foundation of these pillars.
More information about Reja't Va Ebrat Museum
Reja't Va Ebrat Museum
in Shiraz City
city: Shiraz
This palace is in the aggregate of Sa’d Abad and in 1971 was utilized as the residence for the Queen Mother. Valuable Iranian carpets and articles brought from Europe can be noted ... MORE
This palace is in the aggregate of Sa’d Abad and in 1971 was utilized as the residence for the Queen Mother. Valuable Iranian carpets and articles brought from Europe can be noted here.
More information about Mian Poshteh Palace
Mian Poshteh Palace
in Bandar Anzali City
This palace was constructed under the orders of Pahlavi I, in the midst of a 17 hectare garden in the port of Anzali. The building has an area of 1,168 sq. m. and consists of halls, ... MORE
This palace was constructed under the orders of Pahlavi I, in the midst of a 17 hectare garden in the port of Anzali. The building has an area of 1,168 sq. m. and consists of halls, saloons, chambers and other sections. On its ceilings and walls are skillful effects of plaster and embossed works. In ...
More information about Safi Abad Palace
Safi Abad Palace
in Behshahr City
city: Behshahr
This palace is situated on a mount overlooking the city of Behshahr. The palace is a relic of the Safavid period and has been repaired during the Pahlavi era. The said is square in ... MORE
This palace is situated on a mount overlooking the city of Behshahr. The palace is a relic of the Safavid period and has been repaired during the Pahlavi era. The said is square in structure and is a two storeyed edifice with a circular ceiling. Both internally and externally, the structure had been ...
More information about Other Palaces and Edifices
Other Palaces and Edifices
in Damgan (Daamghan) City
The other famous edifice of Semnan province is the edifice belonging to the daughter of Naseredin Shah in Amir Abad of Damqan. MORE
The other famous edifice of Semnan province is the edifice belonging to the daughter of Naseredin Shah in Amir Abad of Damqan.
city: Darab
This palace is situated 8 km. from the Rastaq Village. Placed in a deep valley, it is surrounded by mountains from the three sides. To the west of the palace is a rim of mountains ... MORE
This palace is situated 8 km. from the Rastaq Village. Placed in a deep valley, it is surrounded by mountains from the three sides. To the west of the palace is a rim of mountains which have a special luster, in such a way that the image of every thing can be seen on it. The antiquity of the palace ...
More information about Aqa Mohammad Khan Palace
Aqa Mohammad Khan Palace
in Gorgan City
city: Gorgan
This palace was built by Aqa Mohammad Khan-e-Qajar and is situated in the south of Gorgan. Its architectural affects are related to the 12th century AH. MORE
This palace was built by Aqa Mohammad Khan-e-Qajar and is situated in the south of Gorgan. Its architectural affects are related to the 12th century AH.
More information about Shasaman Palace
Shasaman Palace
in Gorgan City
city: Gorgan
This palace is situated in Gorgan and was built in 795 AH. by Amir Teimoor. This palace overlooks the banks of the river. Some travelers and geographers like Hafez Abrou have mentioned ... MORE
This palace is situated in Gorgan and was built in 795 AH. by Amir Teimoor. This palace overlooks the banks of the river. Some travelers and geographers like Hafez Abrou have mentioned this in their records. According to him, after Amir Teimoor assaulted all the territory of Mazandaran this palace was ...
city: Hamedan
This palace is located in the city of Hamadan, dating to the 6th century BC. The said structure is from the times of the 'Medes'. 'Kiyakesar Madi' and 'Nabopolasar Baboli' were responsible ... MORE
This palace is located in the city of Hamadan, dating to the 6th century BC. The said structure is from the times of the 'Medes'. 'Kiyakesar Madi' and 'Nabopolasar Baboli' were responsible for building this structure in the year 614 BC. The decorative pieces used in this palace were ransom from earlier ...
More information about Shahpour Palace
Shahpour Palace
in Harsin City
city: Harsin
Near the city of Harsin there is the ruins of a Sassanide palace. This palace belongs to the era of Shapour Sassanide I. Inside the palace there is a fire-temple and an altar for sacrifice. ... MORE
Near the city of Harsin there is the ruins of a Sassanide palace. This palace belongs to the era of Shapour Sassanide I. Inside the palace there is a fire-temple and an altar for sacrifice. The signs and elements of this structure show that Shapour Sassanide wished to leave this palace as a relic of ...
More information about Zarqamol Saltaneh Summer Residing Palace
Zarqamol Saltaneh Summer Residing Palace
in Talesh (Hashtpar) City
These palaces are located in the villages of 'Maryan' and 'Aqaloo'. Zarqamol Saltaneh was one of the rulers of 'Gorgan Rood'. Each of these palaces are composed of three divisions ... MORE
These palaces are located in the villages of 'Maryan' and 'Aqaloo'. Zarqamol Saltaneh was one of the rulers of 'Gorgan Rood'. Each of these palaces are composed of three divisions named as, the noble class, the barracks and the stables. The above mentioned palaces were set ablaze during the Constitutional ...
More information about Zarqamol Saltaneh Winter Residing Palace
Zarqamol Saltaneh Winter Residing Palace
in Talesh (Hashtpar) City
This palace is situated in the city of Hashtpar and has an architectural combination of the traditional Iranian and western styles. It dates back to the Qajar period and has a gable ... MORE
This palace is situated in the city of Hashtpar and has an architectural combination of the traditional Iranian and western styles. It dates back to the Qajar period and has a gable roof. The structure has eight doors, thereby the name of the city 'Hashtbar'. Which later came to be known as 'Hashtpar' ...
More information about Falahati Palace
Falahati Palace
in Ilam City
city: Ilam
This palace, with engraved portal and columns, belonged to the Qajar period and is constructed amongst a beautiful and vast garden. MORE
This palace, with engraved portal and columns, belonged to the Qajar period and is constructed amongst a beautiful and vast garden.
More information about Achaemenid Royal Palace, Sarvan Village
Achaemenid Royal Palace, Sarvan Village
in NoorAbad (Mamasani) City
Opposite the Saravan Village, there are ruins relevant to the Achaemenian Dynasty. The 90 cm. base pillars with the same ornamental engravings of the Takht-e-Jamshid pillars, are scattered ... MORE
Opposite the Saravan Village, there are ruins relevant to the Achaemenian Dynasty. The 90 cm. base pillars with the same ornamental engravings of the Takht-e-Jamshid pillars, are scattered around the ruins. The mentioned monuments are the remainders of the Achaemenian kingdom Palace.
More information about Sefeh-ye Sar Masjed
Sefeh-ye Sar Masjed
in Masjed Soleyman City
On the top of a hillock over looking a locality named "Sar Masjed", relics of a palace or temple has remained which dates back to the 7th century BC. Irregular polished rock stones, ... MORE
On the top of a hillock over looking a locality named "Sar Masjed", relics of a palace or temple has remained which dates back to the 7th century BC. Irregular polished rock stones, broken round pillars as well as arched ceilings are scattered in this area.
More information about Housh Koori Palace
Housh Koori Palace
in Qasr-e Shirin City
The ruin of this Sassanide palace is located to the north of Qasr-e-Shirin, reputedly known as Housh Koori by the inhabitants. This palace was one of the great palaces in its lines ... MORE
The ruin of this Sassanide palace is located to the north of Qasr-e-Shirin, reputedly known as Housh Koori by the inhabitants. This palace was one of the great palaces in its lines and now lies in a state of ruin.
city: Roodsar
This palace is in a park adjoining the governor's edifice in Roodsar. The main plan of the palace is rectangular, with two horse shoe shaped vicinities in the northern wing. This two ... MORE
This palace is in a park adjoining the governor's edifice in Roodsar. The main plan of the palace is rectangular, with two horse shoe shaped vicinities in the northern wing. This two storeyed building with a gable roof, was exclusively built as a temporary residence for Reza Shah.
More information about Koorush Palace
Koorush Palace
in City
This palace is located south east of Burazjan and alongside the dry river of 'Aardi'. This palace was one of the most important bases of Iran on the coasts of the Persian Gulf during ... MORE
This palace is located south east of Burazjan and alongside the dry river of 'Aardi'. This palace was one of the most important bases of Iran on the coasts of the Persian Gulf during the Achaemenian era. According to the mode of architecture, it could be related to Koorush's reign.
This palace is located at a distance of 1 km. south east of the Shah Abbas palace and was most probably a temporary royal residence used during traveling time, and also was used as ... MORE
This palace is located at a distance of 1 km. south east of the Shah Abbas palace and was most probably a temporary royal residence used during traveling time, and also was used as 'haramsara' or special apartments for the court women. Whereas in other times, this palace was in the hands of the royal ...
More information about Apadana (Dariush) Palace
Apadana (Dariush) Palace
in Shoosh (Susa) City
This palace was constructed by the order of Darius (Dariush) the Achaemenian on the top of Elamite hillocks and is knwon as Dariush (Apadana) palace. The walls of the palace are made ... MORE
This palace was constructed by the order of Darius (Dariush) the Achaemenian on the top of Elamite hillocks and is knwon as Dariush (Apadana) palace. The walls of the palace are made of sun baked bricks with a brick worked facade, and the pillars are of stone. Apadana Palace consists of a pavillion, ...
The said palace is situated 2 km. north of the Shah Abbas palace. Externally the structure is 86 m. in length and with a maximum of 47 m. in breadth. This structure has two large courtyards, ... MORE
The said palace is situated 2 km. north of the Shah Abbas palace. Externally the structure is 86 m. in length and with a maximum of 47 m. in breadth. This structure has two large courtyards, and the entrance is in the shape of a porch south of the main courtyard. On both sides of this porch are two ...
In the slopes of the northern heights of the Siyah Kooh mountains to the south of Garmsar, are the remnants of a famous palace, The Shah Abbas palace, which is reputed in this aggregate. ... MORE
In the slopes of the northern heights of the Siyah Kooh mountains to the south of Garmsar, are the remnants of a famous palace, The Shah Abbas palace, which is reputed in this aggregate. This palace is square in shape with six towers and two gateways, standing to the north and south. The structure has ...
city: Tehran
Marmar Palace  (Marble Palace or Kakh-e Marmar) in Tehran was built during the years 1934-1937 AD. with a combination of eastern and western architecture. It was constructed on the ... MORE
Marmar Palace  (Marble Palace or Kakh-e Marmar) in Tehran was built during the years 1934-1937 AD. with a combination of eastern and western architecture. It was constructed on the orders of Reza Shah. It was used by Reza Shah and then his son Mohammad Reza Shah as their residence. Reza Shah and his ...
More information about Saltanat Abad Palace
Saltanat Abad Palace
in Tehran City
city: Tehran
This two-storeyed palace was built under the orders of Naseredin Shah in the village of Rostam Abad in the year (1305 AH). This palace has a "Hoze-Khaneh" in the center (a covered ... MORE
This two-storeyed palace was built under the orders of Naseredin Shah in the village of Rostam Abad in the year (1305 AH). This palace has a "Hoze-Khaneh" in the center (a covered area with a pool). The walls and rooms under the "howz-Khaneh" are adorned with artistic plaster work . A golden globe or ...
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